Referral of construction and renovation projects with Web SEO in Montreal, Quebec and Canada

Referral of projects through an intermediary is another way for entrepreneurs to obtain construction contracts. The intermediary is a kind of representative, sales representative, self-employed salesman, or marketing agency. The Construction Business Center of Montreal, led by Mr. Daniel Dargis, engineer, expert in construction and Web SEO, takes care of advertising, of attracting project requests, of providing initial technical and basic information on the contractor and then refers clients and projects to contractors. Thus, entrepreneurs can focus on their current projects and do not have to worry about doing the advertising themselves, or to initially respond to all calls, to inform customers, receive and send some emails to get information and the plans of the customers. It is the intermediary who takes care of attracting customers, of making the first contact and filter less serious customers and then contact the contractor to make a report for him and introduce him to clients.
The referral of projects by a marketing agency in the construction, renovation, engineering, architecture, design and recruitment sector

The Construction Business Center in Montreal, in addition to provide offices for rent and to share to contractors and construction professionals, offers marketing agency services in order to publicize member entrepreneurs. This is a department of the Construction Business Center headed by an engineer and expert in programming, Web design and SEO Web promotion. Nowadays, to be well represented and promote oneself one must go beyond putting ads in newspapers, on the radio or printing business cards. Clients seeking services in the field of construction are doing their research on the Web and look for the first ones on top of the list on the search pages.
Having a Website is one thing but to promote it is another. There are many contractors who address themselves to programmers to develop their Websites but they receive no calls. It’s a little bit like owning a car whose fuel tank is empty. To operate the vehicle as well as a Website several means are used. So, in addition to taking care of developing a Website, with texts whose content is relevant and with beautiful pictures with a programmer and designer, it is necessary to promote this site, follow up on it and to optimize it on the Web. All these operations require specialized knowledge in SEO Web marketing and that is why the Construction Business Center in Montreal provides these services to entrepreneurs so that they do not have to worry about managing all those details that allow them to obtain customers in addition to their building sites.
The project referrals are a VIP service to construction marketing

Construction and renovation project referrals are an advantage offered by the Web marketing agency in construction of the Construction Business Center which is headed by an engineer and general contractor with over 25 years of experience in the residential and commercial construction sectors. Marketing experts take care of: writing Web texts, seeking photos and taking real pictures on construction work sites of customer entrepreneurs in full action, doing Web design, positioning the site in first place, in addition to receiving calls from clients who wish to do works of renovations, plans, engineering calculation, setting up projects and other initiatives of all kinds. Then they explain to the customers the range of services offered by member entrepreneurs of the group; then they refer these customers to entrepreneurs so that they make contact with them to make submissions. Therefore, project referrals do more than just develop Websites. They are concerned about making the first contact with customers, assess their requests as and when receiving the call and then send them to contractors without having to search for clients.
Increased business revenue by referral of projects in construction and renovation

Between 2014 and 2015 the Construction Business Center in Montreal has received over $10,000,000.00 in requests for projects that have been distributed to entrepreneurs in the Montreal area. These renovation and construction projects, which do not cease to increase due to the effectiveness and reputation of the Construction and Renovation Group in Montreal, affect several areas such as: kitchen remodeling, bathroom, expansion and extension of houses, construction of new buildings, structural calculation for changing bearing walls, structural building inspection and thermography, interior design, shingle roof, membrane, asphalt and gravel and metal and several other building services, of renovation and design professionals, architecture, engineering and even in training, recruitment and employment.
Going into business with a service of referral of projects in order to benefit from a better image for new entrepreneurs

Project referrals are used to not only increase business revenue for the contractor with experience but also for the new entrepreneur in construction and renovation for whom it is not always easy to begin to make himself known and to benefit from projects to start his business. The Construction Business Center of Montreal receives entrepreneurs for an interview and under certain conditions it selects entrepreneurs who benefit from project referrals. Thus, a new RBQ licensed contractor starting business can receive contracts for construction and renovation without having to invest large sums of money in marketing and by benefitting from a reputable image through the image of the Construction Business Center under the direction of Mr. Daniel Dargis, engineer and general contractor since 1989.
In addition to this referral service the contractor can access a shared business-office service, accounting services for his business, carpenters or construction workers, support and counsel in engineering, architecture and design for his projects and business networking.
The subscription to the service of project referrals in construction and renovation in Montreal

The subscription to project referrals in construction and renovation is done under certain conditions. The contractor must demonstrate good ethics, a will to do sound business and have a flawless presentation. Project references are requested and a probation time is granted to better get to know the entrepreneur. He must demonstrate that he is not only able to do a good job but also that he can introduce himself well, and maintain a good climate of human relations with his clients, offer competitive prices and have a satisfactory success rate in negotiating contracts on referred projects.
Project referral through the Construction Business Center in Montreal is an indispensable tool these days, with the highly developed marketing and information technologies available for new entrepreneurs to promote themselves as well as for those already long established in order to increase their business turn-over.
Do not hesitate to contact us!