Commercial representatives for contractors and foreign enterprises in Montreal, Quebec, Canada

commercial representatives in construction montreal quebec canada

The companies and business people, members of the Construction Business Center in Montreal, who rent and share business premises in Montreal have not only locals for rent but also hire sales representatives to sell their products and services. These commercial representatives, salespeople and sales agents seek and find customers, projects and contracts for member entrepreneurs. Member entrepreneurs are of two types, some are local entrepreneurs and others are foreign investors. Everyone has different needs in terms of customer research. The Construction Business Center is the only business center in Canada to offer not only offices, places of business and branches in Canada for companies but also to provide their staff and the means to get clients and contracts.

Sales representatives for building contractors of Quebec

sales commercial representatives in construction Montreal Quebec Canada

For building contractors of Quebec, having contractor’s licenses, equipment, and local experience, the Construction Business Center puts at their disposal sales representatives of building projects to detect projects, contact customers and attract contracts. These representatives also have tools to receive calls for projects of all kinds through the following website MONTREALCIE.COM which is owned by the Construction Business Center of Construction Daniel Dargis Inc.

The Construction Business Center has hosted more than 150 trainees between 2014 and 2015. Among these trainees there are several representatives who are available to entrepreneurs to work in a full-time or part-time team seeking customers.

Sales representatives for immigrant foreign investors in Quebec

Canadian commercial representatives in construction engineering in Montreal Quebec Canada

The website CANADA-VISA-BUSINESS.COM owned by the Construction Business Center of Construction Daniel Dargis Inc., addresses itself to foreign business people who want guidance to establish a business in Quebec’s real-estate and construction sectors, set up projects, seek customers, sell or administer and manage projects according to building standards in Quebec. Foreign investors in Quebec have special needs for business support. Among these it is important to level the barrier of the working languages, English and French. The Construction Business Center hosts several students and graduate trainees, immigrant professional engineers, architects and others who know foreign languages. These trainees master French and English, and come from countries such as: China, France, the countries of Africa, Latin America, Arab countries, Iran or other countries. These professionals are familiar with the needs of foreign companies and the reality of the world of work and business in Quebec. They are good representatives for foreign companies and immigrant investors in Quebec. The Construction Business Center connects immigrant investors with multilingual professionals who know Quebec well.

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